If you have a Script Task with a script which last line is a comment and without a newline at the end,
for example)
<bpmn2:scriptTask id="_0A8576E5-B027-4723-BE2E-5738A09DC887" drools:selectable="true" color:background-color="#fafad2" color:border-color="#000000" color:color="#000000" name="S1" scriptFormat="http://www.java.com/java"> ... <bpmn2:script><![CDATA[System.out.println("hi"); //System.out.println("bye");]]></bpmn2:script> </bpmn2:scriptTask>
you will hit the following error during build.
17:02:02,507 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 6) line 2:29 mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '\n'
- incorporates
JBPM-4671 "mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '\n'" due to comment in script task
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