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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-37

Liveness probe is unable to detect that kie server pod is broken


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.0.0.GA
    • 7.0.0.GA
    • None
    • Openshift, Kie server

    • ER5
    • Hide
      1. Run kie server in Openshift
      2. Open shell in kie server pod (oc rsh kie-server-pod-name)
      3. Undeploy kie server war using CLI (/opt/eap/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --command='undeploy ROOT.war')
      4. Pod should be replace by new one but it is not
      Run kie server in Openshift Open shell in kie server pod (oc rsh kie-server-pod-name) Undeploy kie server war using CLI (/opt/eap/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --command='undeploy ROOT.war') Pod should be replace by new one but it is not

      Liveness probe in Kie server image is unable to detect crashed Kie server. It checks only that EAP is working but it is unable to detect that Kie server application is broken.

      To reproduce this bug run Kie server in Openshift and manually undeploy war with Kie server. Then Openshift should replace the pod with Kie server with new one. However, it does not happen because liveness probe is unable to detect that Kie server is not running.

              czhu_jira calvin zhu (Inactive)
              jpetrlik@redhat.com Jiri Petrlik
              Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
              Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
