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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-3633

Import project fails during importing multiple sample projects


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.9.0.GA, 7.9.1.GA, 7.10.0.GA, 7.10.1.GA, 7.11.0.GA
    • Business Central
    • False
    • False
    • +
    • Undefined
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Need to import sample projects individually

      Need to import sample projects individually
    • Hide

      1.Go to Space

      2.click Try samples

      3.Select Multiple Projects

      4.click Ok icon

      Expected Result: Selected project should be import successfully

      Actual Result: Project Import fails with error dialog

      1.Go to Space 2.click Try samples 3.Select Multiple Projects 4.click Ok icon Expected Result: Selected project should be import successfully Actual Result: Project Import fails with error dialog

      When we try to import multiple sample projects into space throwing error dialog as

      Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred: No filesystem for uri (default://master@.playground-6f69c39f037456eb2ba0feecdbfa42b4/examples-6f69c39f037456eb2ba0feecdbfa42b4/curriculumcourse) found..


            eignatow Eder Ignatowicz
            tdavid@redhat.com Tomas David
            Tomas David Tomas David
            Tomas David Tomas David
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
