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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-3551

Set Kie Server image in DeploymentConfig object using digest for production-immutable env



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Minor
    • None
    • 7.10.1.GA
    • Cloud
    • None
    • OCP 4.7
      Business Automation Operator 7.10.1-1

    • False
    • False
    • CR1
    • Undefined
    • Hide

      Re-used reproducer from RHPAM-3420
      Deploy this KieApp:

      apiVersion: app.kiegroup.org/v2
      kind: KieApp
      metadata:   name: test
      spec:   environment: rhdm-production-immutable
        objects:     servers:       - deployments: 1
              env:           - name: MAVEN_REPO_URL
                  value: http://some-maven-repo-url/repository/maven-releases/
                - name: MAVEN_REPO_ID
                  value: kjar-repo
                - name: MAVEN_REPO_USERNAME
                  value: admin
                - name: MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD
                  value: admin123
                  value: 'test=com.myspace:qqq:1.0.0'
              resources:           limits:             memory: 2Gi
                requests:             memory: 2Gi

      Check Kie Server's DeploymentConfig and pod ymal files, how is set image there.
      Actual value:

      image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhpam-7/rhpam-kieserver-rhel8:7.10.1'

      Expected value (please note that sha sum will be different, depending on new image buil):

      image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhpam-7/rhpam-kieserver-rhel8@sha256:68b91ef5bea3d925f8c2405ba75ef5efe48e9b057207c53ff5709df5e5b2b8c1'
      Re-used reproducer from RHPAM-3420 Deploy this KieApp: apiVersion: app.kiegroup.org/v 2 kind: KieApp metadata: name: test spec: environment: rhdm-production-immutable objects: servers: - deployments: 1 env: - name: MAVEN_REPO_URL value: http://some-maven-repo-url/repository/maven-releases/ - name: MAVEN_REPO_ID value: kjar-repo - name: MAVEN_REPO_USERNAME value: admin - name: MAVEN_REPO_PASSWORD value: admin 123 - name: KIE_SERVER_CONTAINER_DEPLOYMENT value: 'test=com.myspace:qqq: 1 . 0 . 0 ' resources: limits: memory: 2 Gi requests: memory: 2 Gi Check Kie Server's DeploymentConfig and pod ymal files, how is set image there. Actual value: image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhpam- 7 /rhpam-kieserver-rhel 8 : 7 . 10 . 1 ' Expected value (please note that sha sum will be different, depending on new image buil): image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhpam- 7 /rhpam-kieserver-rhel 8 @sha 256 : 68 b 91 ef 5 bea 3 d 925 f 8 c 2405 ba 75 ef 5 efe 48 e 9 b 057207 c 53 ff 5709 df 5 e 5 b 2 b 8 c 1 '
    • 2021 Week 43-45 (from Oct 25)


      During verification of RHPAM-3420 I noticed, that Kie Server image is set using image tag in DpeloymnetConfig for production-immutable environment

      image: 'registry.redhat.io/rhpam-7/rhpam-kieserver-rhel8:7.10.1'

      We prefer to use configuration using sha digest instead.
      For example in Authoring environment is Kie Server set using digest

                image: >-

      This configuration should be same for all objects.


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              rhn-support-fspolti Filippe Spolti
              jakubschwan Jakub Schwan
              Jakub Schwan Jakub Schwan
              Jakub Schwan Jakub Schwan
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