Documentation at specifies that the "org.kie.dmn.runtime.listeners.$LISTENER_NAME" property can be defined as a startup parameter, e.g. as in "-Dorg.kie.dmn.runtime.listeners.mylistener=org.acme.MyDMNListener" to specify a DMN Event Listener.
However, this parameter seems to be ignored by KIE Server.
Tried by specifying as a command line argumant, as per documentation, and as an EAP system property.
DMN Event Listeners were specified as
- project dependencies in the pom.xml
- in the project "src" directory structure
- also tried with non -existent classes
No event were captured or logs generated nor any exceptions logged.
- duplicates
BXMSDOC-5425 Document DMN runtime listener property
- Closed
DROOLS-4488 DMN runtime listener from kmodule
- Closed