Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Process Automation Manager'
  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-3002

Refresh process diagram highlighting automatically


      Refreshing of process diagram highlighting should be done automatically.

      When a user opens a process instance diagram, all executed nodes are highlighted.
      However, if a process contains nodes that are executed later after opening the diagram, a user needs to click on refresh button to see them highlighted.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a new project.
      2. Import testX.bpmn process to the project.
      3. Deploy the project.
      4. Create a new process instance.
      5. Wait until the first catching event is executed.
      6. Click on refresh button.

      Acceptance criteria

      Refreshing of process diagram highlighting is done automatically, without need to click on refresh button.

        1. testX.bpmn
          19 kB
          Lubomir Terifaj

              cnicolai@redhat.com Cristiano Nicolai (Inactive)
              lterifaj@redhat.com Lubomir Terifaj
              Shilpa Chugh Shilpa Chugh
              Shilpa Chugh Shilpa Chugh
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
