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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2981

Unable to access business-central after user containing dot(.) character changes role settings


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.8.1.GA
    • 7.7.1.GA
    • Business Central
    • RHPAM with LDAP (but the issue can be reproduced with default security configuration as well)

    • CR1
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    • Hide

      1. Install RHPAM / business-central
      2. Create a user containing dot(.) character (eg. email address format):

      $ ./bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'mweiler@redhat.com' -p password1! -g user,admin,developer

      3. Start the server
      4. Log in with this user
      5. Navigate to 'Settings -> Roles'
      6. Apply a config change (eg. Page permissions for group 'developer') and save this change
      7. Log out and log in again, there is an error both in the UI and the console

      1. Install RHPAM / business-central 2. Create a user containing dot(.) character (eg. email address format): $ ./bin/add-user.sh -a -u 'mweiler@redhat.com' -p password1! -g user,admin,developer 3. Start the server 4. Log in with this user 5. Navigate to 'Settings -> Roles' 6. Apply a config change (eg. Page permissions for group 'developer') and save this change 7. Log out and log in again, there is an error both in the UI and the console
    • 2020 Week 22-24 (from May 25), 2020 Week 25-27 (from Jun 15), 2020 Week 28-30 (from Jul 6), 2020 Week 31-33 (from Jul 27)

      After changing the roles settings with a user containing the dot(.) character, the business-central UI is no longer accessible for any user, see attached screenshot. The console logs this error:

      12:28:53,821 ERROR [org.uberfire.backend.server.authz.AuthorizationPolicyVfsStorage] (default task-4) Authz policy file VFS read error: security-policy.properties: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown key: group.mweiler@redhat.com.home
      	at deployment.business-central.war//org.uberfire.backend.server.authz.AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.read(AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.java:203)
      	at deployment.business-central.war//org.uberfire.backend.server.authz.AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.read(AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.java:143)
      	at deployment.business-central.war//org.uberfire.backend.server.authz.AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.lambda$read$1(AuthorizationPolicyMarshaller.java:100)
      	at java.base/java.util.TreeMap.forEach(TreeMap.java:1002)

              r_anand Rishiraj Anand
              rhn-support-mputz Martin Weiler (Inactive)
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
