Resolution: Done
Deploy Kie Server in Openshift
Release Notes
Workaround Exists
2020 Week 22-24 (from May 25)
When building the custom image for a database, we follow these steps:
- Download templates.zip:
curl --insecure --output templates.zip http://rcm-guest.app.eng.bos.redhat.com/rcm-guest/staging/rhpam/RHPAM-7.7.1.CR1/rhpam-7.7.1-openshift-templates.zip
- Unzip the content:
unzip -q templates.zip
- Make the image build (for mysql as an example):
cd templates/contrib/jdbc make build mysql
This will fail because the behave test "Scenario: Verify if the correct correct files are present in the container and if its content are correct " with the next error:
docker.errors.ImageNotFound: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: kiegroup/jboss-kie-mysql-extension-openshift-image:8.0.12")
However, the right image was built on quay.io/kiegroup/jboss-kie-mysql-extension-openshift-image:8.0.12.
The problem seems to be that docker stopped checking quay.io repository. I tried with the templates.zip from 7.7.0.CR1 and still didn't work.
The workaround (and probably the solution) is to specify the repository in the base-db-overrides.yaml:
name: "quay.io/kiegroup/jboss-kie-${DATABASE_TYPE}-extension-openshift-image"
Not sure if we should parameter the repository as well.