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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2859

Number of assets displayed for a project doesn't matches the count displayed


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      1) Create any sample project with more than 30 assets.

      2) In the Assets page, navigate to next and previous pages for asset lists multiple times.

      3) After some attempts, pages start displaying more than 15 assets, although the count is displayed as 15.

      I am attaching the sample project with 34 assets for testing.

      1) Create any sample project with more than 30 assets. 2) In the Assets page, navigate to next and previous pages for asset lists multiple times. 3) After some attempts, pages start displaying more than 15 assets, although the count is displayed as 15. I am attaching the sample project with 34 assets for testing.
    • 2020 Week 40-42 (from Sep 28), 2020 Week 43-45 (from Okt 19)

      The number of assets listed on the project page of Business central sometimes doesn't match with count displayed for pagination. This seems to normally happen when the number of assets is more (multiple pages) and if we navigate between pages multiple times. For eg -: in the attached screenshot count is displayed as "16-30 of 33" but there are 18 assets displayed on that page which includes 3 assets from the next page as well. In server logs 18 assets are indexed instead of 15.

      17:03:03,804 INFO [org.kie.workbench.common.screens.impl.LibraryServiceImpl] (default task-28) Asset lookup result: project [git://MySpace/AssetsCountTest] is indexed with 18 index hits.
      It looks like pagination for assets is not functioning correctly.

        1. assets_count_issue.png
          81 kB
          Sudhish Nair
        2. paginationbug.png
          50 kB
          Sudhish Nair
        3. paginationbug.png
          50 kB
          Sudhish Nair

              r_anand Rishiraj Anand
              rhn-support-sudnair Sudhish Nair
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              Barbora Kapustova Barbora Kapustova
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
