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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2501

Missing service account in deployment_registry.yaml


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 7.6.0.GA
    • 7.6.0.GA
    • Quickstarts
    • None
    • 1
    • CR1
      • Create deployment using deployment_registry.yaml
      • HA-CEP app will not be able to acquire leadership because of missing service account
    • 2019 Week 44-46 (from Okt 28)

      There are two yamls with examples of deployment for Spring boot image in HA-CEP. See folder springboot/kubernetes

      • deployment.yaml - use image quickstarter/openshift-kie-springboot:latest
      • deployment_registry.yaml - according to git history this deployment is for debugging purposes and use following image <user>/openshift-kie-springboot:<version>

      However, both images are almost identical. The only difference is in image and in the second yaml the service account is missing. I consider missing service account as a bug because it is not possible to access the config map without it and therefore leadership mechanism will not work.

            jpetrlik@redhat.com Jiri Petrlik
            jpetrlik@redhat.com Jiri Petrlik
            Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
            Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
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