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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2404

Editor toolbar tooltips take over 1 second to appear


      According to a number of research-based articles, including this one from NNG, website response time is critical to usability. Timing Guidelines for Exposing Content https://www.nngroup.com/articles/timing-exposing-content/ includes the following:

      For hover interactions, the timing guidelines for speed of visual feedback and exposing hidden elements must be broken down into more steps:

      Mouse cursor enters the target area: display visual feedback within 0.1 seconds.
      Wait 0.3–0.5 seconds.
      If cursor remains stopped within the target area, display corresponding hidden content within 0.1 seconds.
      Keep displaying the exposed content element until the cursor has left the triggering target area or the exposed content for longer than 0.5 seconds.

      Attaching a QuickTime movie created just now with the most recent CI/CD BC version. Note that response time for Diagram Properties and Explore Diagram tooltips is almost instantaneous. The same should be true for the editor toolbar tooltips or any other icon tooltips in the environment.

      rhn-support-eclaytonkywalkerbdellasc FYI

            eignatow Eder Ignatowicz
            aglass-1 Amy Glass
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