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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2297

Cannot git clone right after RHPAM boot


    • CR1
    • +
    • Hide
      • Start RHPAM
      • Import an example project (e.g. Evaluation_Process)
      • Stop RHPAM
      • Start RHPAM
      • Run git clone (before accessing business-central)
        git clone git://localhost:9418/MySpace/example-Evaluation_Process
      Start RHPAM Import an example project (e.g. Evaluation_Process) Stop RHPAM Start RHPAM Run git clone (before accessing business-central) git clone git://localhost:9418/MySpace/example-Evaluation_Process
    • 2019 Week 32-34

      After RHPAM is up, the port 9418/8001 is open but we cannot yet git clone from command line.


      $ git clone git://localhost:9418/MySpace/example-Evaluation_Process
      Cloning into 'example-Evaluation_Process'...
      fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
      Please make sure you have the correct access rights
      and the repository exists.

      After I login to business-central and go to "Menu"->"Projects" (so MySpace is displayed), now we can do "git clone".

      Probably git service was not yet fully initialized on boot time?

      DEBUG log after "Menu"->"Projects")

      2019-08-02 11:25:11,539 DEBUG [org.uberfire.java.nio.fs.jgit.JGitFileSystemProvider] (default task-10) Accessing uri git://system/system
      2019-08-02 11:25:11,570 DEBUG [org.guvnor.structure.backend.repositories.git.GitMetadataStoreImpl] (default task-10) Initializing GitMetadataStoreImpl default://system/metadata
      2019-08-02 11:25:11,570 DEBUG [org.uberfire.java.nio.fs.jgit.JGitFileSystemProvider] (default task-10) Accessing uri git://master@system/metadata/readme.md
      2019-08-02 11:25:11,603 DEBUG [org.uberfire.java.nio.fs.jgit.JGitFileSystemProvider] (default task-10) Accessing uri git://system/system
      2019-08-02 11:25:11,618 DEBUG [org.uberfire.java.nio.fs.jgit.JGitFileSystemProvider] (default task-10) Accessing uri git://system/system

      This JIRA requests that users can "git clone" right after RHPAM startup.

              abakos@redhat.com Alexandre Porcelli
              rhn-support-tkobayas Toshiya Kobayashi
              Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
              Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
