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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2278

Not able to resolve dependencies if I use kie.maven.offline.force=true while starting server


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      1. Start RHDM/RHPAM with -Dkie.maven.offline.force=true option.
      2. Create project1 in business-central console which has only Data Object.
      3. Build and deploy Project1, check artifact repository project1.jar is available there.
      4. Create another Project2 and add dependencies of Project1.
      5. In Project2, create rule like as:

      package com.demo;
      import com.Person;
      rule "Rule" 
       person : Person(name == "abc") 	
       System.out.println(" Rule executed ");

      6. Try to validate rule, it will fail.

      1. Start RHDM/RHPAM with -Dkie.maven.offline.force=true option. 2. Create project1 in business-central console which has only Data Object. 3. Build and deploy Project1, check artifact repository project1.jar is available there. 4. Create another Project2 and add dependencies of Project1. 5. In Project2, create rule like as: package com.demo; import com.Person; rule "Rule" when person : Person(name == "abc" ) then System .out.println( " Rule executed " ); end 6. Try to validate rule, it will fail.
    • 2019 Week 32-34

      Created two projects in business-central console, project1 has only data objects and project2 has only DRL files. Dependency of project1 is added on Project2. But DRL validation fails as data objects are not resolved.

      13:04:47,251 ERROR [org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.KieProject] (default task-5) Unable to build KieBaseModel:defaultKieBase
      Unable to resolve ObjectType 'Person' : [Rule name='Rule']
      Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='Rule']
      	com/demo/Rule_Rule816332580.java (2:43) : Only a type can be imported. com.Person resolves to a package
      Error importing : 'com.Person

              rhn-support-wsiqueir William Siqueira
              rhn-support-abhumbe Abhijit Humbe (Inactive)
              Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
              Dominik Hanak Dominik Hanak
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              6 Start watching this issue
