Resolution: Done
OpenShift 3.11, APB image with tag 1.2-1
When we tried to deploy in automated tests authoring plan, the whole test scenario failed and not be executed. This is cause by check in Kie Server deploy main task, when is checked value for jms integration. See msg from apb deploy log:
"msg": "The conditional check 'enable_kieserver_jms_integration' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (enable_kieserver_jms_integration): 'apb_enable_kieserver_jms_integration' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/opt/ansible/roles/deploy-kieserver/tasks/main.yml'
The apb_enable_kieserver_jms_integration has set a default value in apb.yaml. I tried to run our tests with this var set to fasle and without this var set.
- blocks
RHPAM-2117 Controller OpenShift Integration properties are not set in APB image
- Closed