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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-2107

Not able to execute score card through kie-server Remote java API's.


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      Import attached git project into business-central, build project and try to execute score card using code shown above.

      Import attached git project into business-central, build project and try to execute score card using code shown above.
    • 2019 Week 17-19, 2019 Week 20-22

      Customer is using xls base score card, and they are not able to execute rules through kie-server remote java API's. It fails with exception. In console I can see 'ERROR-2' is logged after execution of "resultHolder.getResultCode()" I tried to execute score card with below code:

      public static void scoreCardExecution() {
      		PMMLRequestData request = new PMMLRequestData();
      		request.addRequestParam("age", (int) 5);
      		request.addRequestParam("occupation", "TEACHER");
      		request.addRequestParam("residenceState", "TN");
      		request.addRequestParam("validLicense", false);
      		KieCommands kieCommands = KieServices.Factory.get().getCommands();
      		CommandFactoryServiceImpl command = (CommandFactoryServiceImpl) kieCommands;
      		ApplyPmmlModelCommand applyPmmlModelCommand = (ApplyPmmlModelCommand) command.newApplyPmmlModel(request);
      		RuleServicesClient ruleServicesClient = kieServicesClient.getServicesClient(RuleServicesClient.class);
      		ServiceResponse<org.kie.api.runtime.ExecutionResults> results = ruleServicesClient
      				.executeCommandsWithResults(ContainerId, applyPmmlModelCommand);
      		PMML4Result resultHolder = (PMML4Result) results.getResult().getValue("results");
      		// System.out.println(resultHolder);
      		 * Double targetValue = resultHolder.getResultValue("totalScore",
      		 * "value", Double.class).orElse(null); System.out.println(targetValue);

        1. SampleScore_c.sxls.properties
          0.2 kB
        2. SampleScore.tar
          180 kB
        3. StackTrace
          12 kB

              lleveric Lance Leverich (Inactive)
              rhn-support-abhumbe Abhijit Humbe (Inactive)
              Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
              Jiri Petrlik Jiri Petrlik
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
