Resolution: Obsolete
If a dependency jar is uploaded a 2nd time to business central (with the same GAV), no error is given.
But any successive use of the dependency (like trying to Build a kjar of Assets) results in the error "Unable to read file" or "xxx cannot be resolved to a type".
Sometimes the build fail with just one jar
Sometimes the build fail because was not able to read the jar even if it's present
Sometimes the build is successful even the dependencies was just delete from the maven repo
Sometimes the build is successful with two jars and both are executed
This issue can't be reproduced consistently. It occurs sporadically.
One workaround I've found is, when this happens I remove the .index folder and restart the server then everything works back to normal,
the delete of the .index probably force to reload everything.
The root of the problem seems a cache problem on the compiler pipeline.
I two jars with the same GAV are uploaded both are executed.
- clones
RHPAM-1864 uploading a dependency with same GAV via business central the 2nd time sometimes cause data corruption
- Closed