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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-1809

[7.2.1] Stunner - Issues related to boundary events


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      1) Create a new process with a start node, user task and end node.
      2) Attach a boundary timer to the user task.
      3) Delete the boundary timer from the user task.
      4) GWT error pops-up.

      1) Create a new process with a start node, user task and end node. 2) Attach a boundary timer to the user task. 3) Delete the boundary timer from the user task. 4) GWT error pops-up.
    • 2019 Week 02-04, 2018 Week 51-01, 2019 Week 05-07

      There are a couple of issues related to boundary events:

      1. Deleting boundary event from node throws GWT error -> When I attach a Boundary Event to a node, e.g. a Timer to a User-Task, and I try to later delete that Boundary Event, I get the following GWT error: An error happened [com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : Cannot read property 'vH' of undefined]. Do you want to undo the last action?
      2. Docking is not working when the preview panel is opened -> When the preview panel is opened - I can't attach boundary events AT ALL, into any kind of task or other elements.

              romartin@redhat.com Roger Martinez
              rhn-gps-ddoyle Duncan Doyle (Inactive)
              Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
              Lubomir Terifaj Lubomir Terifaj
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
