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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-18

Unable to build a project in BxMS 6.4 through business-central by using maven local repository


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Major Major
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    • 6.x.x
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      deploy any project which have kie-api set as dependency and using local maven repository.

      deploy any project which have kie-api set as dependency and using local maven repository.

      By following the instructions from xxxx, is not possible to build a project in business-central that contains kie-api dependency if using local Maven Repository without access to any external maven repo (including Maven Central). The dependency is set in project pom.xml:


      This dependency is causing the error below since "org.jboss:jboss-parent:pom:19" it not found in BxMS Maven Repo:

      13:03:13,143 ERROR [org.kie.api.builder.KieScanner] (http- Unable to create MavenProject from InputStream: org.kie.scanner.embedder.MavenEmbedderException: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.kie:kie-api:jar:6.5.0.Final-redhat-2

      Caused by: org.apache.maven.model.resolution.UnresolvableModelException: Failure to transfer org.jboss:jboss-parent:pom:19 from https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.jboss:jboss-parent:pom:19 from/to central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): repo.maven.apache.org: unknown error

      It is defined in jboss-integration-platform-parent-6.0.8.Final-redhat-3.pom shipped in BxMS Maven Repo:


      version "19" does not exist in BxMS or EAP Maven repo.

              elguardian@gmail.com Enrique González Martínez (Inactive)
              rhn-support-ajuricic Amana Juricic
              0 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
