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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-1357

Specify KIE_SERVER_PORT parameter in all templates where KIE_SERVER_HOST can be set


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      Deploy template rhpam70-kieserver-mysql.yaml with defined EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTP property. Check system property "org.kie.server.location" in pod's log.

      Deploy template rhpam70-kieserver-mysql.yaml with defined EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTP property. Check system property "org.kie.server.location" in pod's log.
    • 2018 Week 27-29

      In case user specifies custom KIE_SERVER_HOST variable, for example by using EXECUTION_SERVER_HOSTNAME_HTTP and no KIE_SERVER_PORT is specified then default value 8080 is used. In this case the URL set as Kie server location in system property "org.kie.server.location" is not valid as it references <custom-hostname>:8080 but the Kie server is available just in <custom-hostname>:80. Right now no template allows setting of KIE_SERVER_PORT property.

      There can be two possible solutions, either set default KIE_SERVER_PORT to 80 in case KIE_SERVER_HOST is specified by environment property or allow to set KIE_SERVER_PORT in templates.

            rhn-support-fspolti Filippe Spolti
            ksuta Karel Suta
            Karel Suta Karel Suta
            Karel Suta Karel Suta
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