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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-1222

Closing/deleting of the form returns you to wrong perspective.


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      1. Create a data object/process.
      2. Go to add asset, create a form.
      3. Close/delete the created form.

      Expected result: Asset list.
      Actual result: Asset creation perspective.

      1. Create a data object/process. 2. Go to add asset, create a form. 3. Close/delete the created form. Expected result: Asset list. Actual result: Asset creation perspective.

      When you create a form and then close it or delete it, instead of the asset list you get returned to the asset creation perspective (see the attached video). This is unexpected and also inconsistent with the rest of the assets.

            rh-ee-pefernan Pere Fernandez Perez
            jsoltes Juraj Soltes (Inactive)
            Juraj Soltes Juraj Soltes (Inactive)
            Juraj Soltes Juraj Soltes (Inactive)
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