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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-117

QueryService raw result mapper does not process multi records property


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.0.0.GA
    • 6.x.x
    • jBPM Core
      • Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6.4.x
    • CR1
    • Hide

      Attached bpms-mapper-rawlist.zip application that can be used to reproduce the issue.

      1. Unzip bpms-mapper-rawlist.zip;
      2. Change/configure the following values:

      2a. File: KieProducer.java - set SERVER_URL, username and password;
      2b. File: QueryStartup.java - set SOURCE to point to the valid datasource that contains processinstancelog table filled with different data;
      3. Save above changes;
      4. Run: $ mvn install clean;
      5. Deploy bpms-mapper-rawlist application to the kie server;
      6. Run http://<kie-server-ip-address>:<port>/bpms-mapper-rawlist/rawlist and confirm that returned list contains only first raw (from the processinstancelog table) logged N times (where N is defined when executing query ... for instance:

      List<List> result = queryServicesClient.query(QueryStartup.ALL_PROCESS_INSTANCES, QueryServicesClient.QUERY_MAP_RAW, queryFilterSpec, 0, 10000, List.class);

      In above case, N will be 10000).

      Attached bpms-mapper-rawlist.zip application that can be used to reproduce the issue. 1. Unzip bpms-mapper-rawlist.zip; 2. Change/configure the following values: 2a. File: KieProducer.java - set SERVER_URL, username and password; 2b. File: QueryStartup.java - set SOURCE to point to the valid datasource that contains processinstancelog table filled with different data; 3. Save above changes; 4. Run: $ mvn install clean; 5. Deploy bpms-mapper-rawlist application to the kie server; 6. Run http://<kie-server-ip-address>:<port>/bpms-mapper-rawlist/rawlist and confirm that returned list contains only first raw (from the processinstancelog table) logged N times (where N is defined when executing query ... for instance: List<List> result = queryServicesClient.query(QueryStartup.ALL_PROCESS_INSTANCES, QueryServicesClient.QUERY_MAP_RAW, queryFilterSpec, 0, 10000, List.class); In above case, N will be 10000).

      Query service (based on datasets) does provide number of result mappers, one of them is RawListResultMapper which does not map the data to any instance but simply return each row as list of values.
      It does not properly handle multiple rows due to a type of fetching values from data set.

              swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
              rhn-support-bkramer1 Biljana Kramer
              Jakub Schwan Jakub Schwan
              Jakub Schwan Jakub Schwan
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
