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  1. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  2. RHPAM-1107

Selected container gets changed


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 7.0.2.GA
    • 7.0.0.LA
    • Business Central
    • None
    • CR1
    • Hide

      1) I logged in with User X inside business-central and navigated to Deploy->Executed Servers
      2) I selected Container X on the left
      3) I opened anonymous windows and logged in with User Y and navigated to Deploy - > Executed Servers
      4) I selected Container Y
      5) At this point,when I check the first Window I can see on the left that Container X is still selected. However, the main screen is now displaying the details for Container Y (i.e. the container name on the top, URL, etc..)

      Expected behavior is that the container selected by User Y will not interfere with container selected by User X

      1) I logged in with User X inside business-central and navigated to Deploy->Executed Servers 2) I selected Container X on the left 3) I opened anonymous windows and logged in with User Y and navigated to Deploy - > Executed Servers 4) I selected Container Y 5) At this point,when I check the first Window I can see on the left that Container X is still selected. However, the main screen is now displaying the details for Container Y (i.e. the container name on the top, URL, etc..) Expected behavior is that the container selected by User Y will not interfere with container selected by User X
    • 2018 Week 23-24, 2018 Week 25-26

      Selected Container gets changed if other users logs in different window and select different container

            nmirasch@redhat.com Neus Miras Chueca
            rhn-support-agiertli Anton Giertli
            Bojan Sremac Bojan Sremac (Inactive)
            Bojan Sremac Bojan Sremac (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
