# Update Manifests
## Update params.env to set new image tag(ex, v0.11.0-alpha)
vi model-mesh_template/base/params.env
## Generate new manfiests
opendatahub/scripts/gen_odh_modelmesh_manifests.sh -n -c
## Update model-mesh/model-mesh_templates to fix FVT test.
## FVT Test(with the new odh manifests)
TAG=fast CONTROLLERNAMESPACE=opendatahub NAMESPACE=modelmesh-serving FORCE=true make deploy-mm-for-odh
TAG=fast CONTROLLERNAMESPACE=opendatahub NAMESPACE=modelmesh-serving FORCE=true make deploy-fvt-for-odh
TAG=fast CONTROLLERNAMESPACE=opendatahub NAMESPACE=modelmesh-serving NAMESPACESCOPEMODE=true make repeat-fvt
## Cleanup (optional)
CONTROLLERNAMESPACE=opendatahub NAMESPACE=modelmesh-serving C_MM_CTRL_KFCTL=true C_MM_TEST=true make cleanup-for-odh
## If FVT passed.
rm -rf opendatahub/odh-manifests/model-mesh_ori
git add opendatahub/odh-manifests/model-mesh_templates
git add opendatahub/odh-manifests/model-mesh
git commit -S -s -m "Update ODH-MANIFEST(fast)"
git push
## Send a PR to opendatahub
export TARGET_BRANCH=main
echo "
#### Test
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
export PATH=\${GOBIN}:\${PATH}
TAG=fast MM_USER=${GH_USER_NAME} BRANCH=${TODAY_DATE}_sync_main REPO_URI=remote CONTROLLERNAMESPACE=opendatahub NAMESPACE=modelmesh-serving FORCE=true NAMESPACESCOPEMODE=true make deploy-mm-for-odh deploy-fvt-for-odh repeat-fvt
#### Result
Ran 5 of 5 Specs in 183.129 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 5 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 SkippedGinkgo ran 1 suite in 3m5.144013328s
Test Suite Passed
Passed fvt/hpa. Move on the next test
[SUCCESS] FVT Test Passed!
## Wait/Fix until openshift-ci pass all tests.