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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-6958

[DSG] Inform user that GPU current availability may get updated with some moments of delay


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Testable
    • No
    • RHOAISTRAT-264 - Data Science projects related enhancements
    • No
    • No
    • Pending
    • None

      Related to RHODS-6054

      Dashboard stores the number of available GPUs in cache, and update this value only if the next request comes after 30s from the previous one (github code). 

      As mentioned by aballantyne in RHODS-6054, the 30s are necessary. Then, this story is to inform user via UI that the availability may get updated with some delay.

      UX questions:

      • where to display the message?
      • should we report 30s or "few moments" of delay?

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