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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-6061

Pager alert for RHODS Dashboard Route Error Burn Rate


      See https://coreos.slack.com/archives/C019V4BS8G6/p1669909513677049

      Description of problem:

      When a user's OpenShift token has expired (24 hours) the Data Science Project page can poll for prometheus which results in 500 errors.

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      RHODS 1.19

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set Openshift tokens to expire every 5 minutes
      Which will expire OpenShift tokens faster than the dashbaord oauth-proxy.

      apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
      kind: OAuth
      metadata:   name: cluster
      spec:   tokenConfig:     accessTokenMaxAgeSeconds: 300

      2. Create a data science project with a workbench and peristent storage.

      3. Wait until polling requests fail.

      4. Replay XHR on the prometheus query.

      Actual results:

      500 Error

      Expected results:

      4XX Error

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):

      Build Details: 1.19.0

      Workaround: Set OpenShift Auth Expiration to 7+ days

      Additional info:

              aballantyne Andrew Ballantyne
              jkoehler@redhat.com Jacqueline Koehler
              Luca Giorgi Luca Giorgi
              0 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
