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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-4627

CronJob for Anaconda license validation is suspended and cannot run daily


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • RHODS_1.13.0_GA
    • Integrations
    • False
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    • False
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      Cron Job for validating Anaconda license runs daily 

      Cron Job for validating Anaconda license runs daily 
    • Release Notes
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      The CronJob responsible for validating Anaconda Profressional Edition's license is suspended and does not run daily:: The CronJob responsible for validating Anaconda Professional Edition's license is automatically suspended by the OpenShift Data Science operator. As a result, the CronJob does not run daily as scheduled. In addition, when Anaconda Professional Edition's license expires, Anaconda Professional Edition is not indicated as disabled on the OpenShift Data Science dashboard.
      The CronJob responsible for validating Anaconda Profressional Edition's license is suspended and does not run daily:: The CronJob responsible for validating Anaconda Professional Edition's license is automatically suspended by the OpenShift Data Science operator. As a result, the CronJob does not run daily as scheduled. In addition, when Anaconda Professional Edition's license expires, Anaconda Professional Edition is not indicated as disabled on the OpenShift Data Science dashboard.
    • Known Issue
    • Done
    • No
    • Yes
    • None
    • High

      Description of problem:

      The CronJob for validating the license of Anaconda Professional gets automatically set to "suspended" by the operator. It means that the expected daily run is not happening. Thus, if the license expires, Anaconda does not get disabled in the dashboard as stated in RHODS docs

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Enabled Anaconda
      2. Change the anaconda-ce-access secret (ns: redhat-ods-applications) to make the license key invalid (i.e., simulating the key expiration)
      3. Wait some minutes after validation (5-10)
      4. change the cronjob expression from 00*** to sth more close (to be run in few minutes from current time) to simulate daily run
      5. check if the validation is run again (check the pods under redhat-ods-applications NS)

      Step 3 is necessary because the RHODS operator takes some time to reconcile the cron job.

      Actual results:

      Cron Job runs only the very fist time (at activation time). It does not run daily

      Expected results:

      Cron Job runs daily 

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:

      RHODS v1.13


      no workaround because the operator replaces any changes we do manually

      Additional info:

      the field which must be set to "false" instead of "true" in the CronJob configuration is "spec.suspend". It should be set to "true" only when Anaconda is not enabled (to avoid the cron job to run continuosly when not needed)

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