
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No
    • No
    • No
    • None

      AWS Security Token Service (STS) enabled ROSA clusters are supposed to become available in the production environment in the middle of June. Customers will be able to opt-in to STS enabled ROSA clusters. OSD CCS clusters will eventually also support STS, and initially, it will be introduced just for the new clusters.

      RHODS was not able to support STS because of the CRO. With the move to KFNBC, this should no longer be an issue.

      This task is to ensure RHODS supports AWS STS enabled ROSA and OSD (if applicable) clusters with the move to KFNBC. This should be tested and verified as part of this task.

              rhn-support-jgarciao Jorge Garcia Oncins
              jdemoss@redhat.com Jeff DeMoss
              Pablo Felix Pablo Felix (Inactive)
              Pablo Felix Pablo Felix (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
