Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Data Science'
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-3571

"Cluster Settings" not mentioned in "Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science"


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • RHODS_1.11.0_GA
    • RHODS_1.9.0_GA
    • Documentation
    • None

      Description of problem:

      In the Side Navigation section of Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Data Science  there is no mention of the new Settings > Cluster Settings section



        1. rhods-1.11-dashboard-resources.png
          322 kB
          Jorge Garcia Oncins
        2. rhods-1.11-dashboard-settings-cluster-settings.png
          104 kB
          Jorge Garcia Oncins
        3. rhods-1.11-dashboard-settings-custom-images.png
          58 kB
          Jorge Garcia Oncins
        4. rhods-1.11-docs-side-navitation.png
          196 kB
          Jorge Garcia Oncins
        5. side-navigation-doesnt-mention-settings.png
          297 kB
          Jorge Garcia Oncins

              rhn-support-chtyler Chris Tyler
              rhn-support-jgarciao Jorge Garcia Oncins
              Jorge Garcia Oncins Jorge Garcia Oncins
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
