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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-3401

Quick Start final status is not consistent with the status of all the steps


    • 3
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide

      the status reported on a QS card is consistent with the status of all the steps

      the status reported on a QS card is consistent with the status of all the steps
    • Yes
    • 1.11.0-3
    • No
    • No
    • Yes
    • None
    • RHODS 1.11
    • Low

      Description of problem:

      while following a quick start the user can set a step as successful or not in the "check your work" dialog box. Even if you set all the steps as "failed", once you reach the end of the QuickStart the card shows "Completed" with a green tick instead of "Failed" (or "Completed") with a red symbol

      Similarly, if the user leaves at least one the the steps unset (neither "no" nor "yes") the status will appear as "completed", while a better results would be to appear as "in progress"


      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      RHODS v1.8.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go To RHODS Dashboard > Resources
      2. Start a quick start
      3. Click on each step and set "no" to the checkbox in the "Check your work" dialog
      4. Click on "Close" button 
      5. check the QuickStart status on the card


      1. Go To RHODS Dashboard > Resources
      2. Start a quick start
      3. Click on each step and leave at least one without setting the checkbox in the "Check your work" dialog
      4. Click on "Close" button 
      5. check the QuickStart status on the card

      Actual results:

      the QS card has status "Completed" with a green tick even when there are steps set as "failed" or "unset"

      Expected results:

      the QS card has status

      • "Failed" when at least one of the steps has been set as "failed"
      • "In progress" when at least one of the steps has been left as unset 

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:


      Additional info:

              dlabaj Donald Labaj
              rhn-support-bdattoma Berto D'Attoma
              Berto D'Attoma Berto D'Attoma
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
