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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-2653

Errors while fetching images using pachctl in sample Pachyderm notebook


    • False
    • False
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      generated images in the sample notebook can be fetched without errors

      generated images in the sample notebook can be fetched without errors
    • No
    • Not applicable - this was resolved externally in the Pachyderm operator
    • No
    • Hide
      Error occurred while fetching the generated images in the sample Pachyderm notebook
      An error occurred when a user attempted to fetch an image using the sample Pachyderm notebook in Jupyter. The error stated that the image could not be found. Pachyderm has corrected this issue.
      Error occurred while fetching the generated images in the sample Pachyderm notebook An error occurred when a user attempted to fetch an image using the sample Pachyderm notebook in Jupyter. The error stated that the image could not be found. Pachyderm has corrected this issue.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • No
    • Yes
    • None

      Description of problem:

      While running this pachyderm sample notebook https://github.com/Jooho/pachyderm-operator-manifests/blob/master/notebooks/pachyderm-opencv.ipynb I encountered errors while fetching the output images from S3. The error says the images do not exist.

      According to rhn-support-jlee there is a workaround to solve it (see the section below)

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Install RHODS

      Install Pachyderm

      Create an instance of Pachyderm

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Launch JupyterHub from RHODS Dashboard
      2. Spawn a JL using Standard Data Science image
      3. git clone https://github.com/Jooho/pachyderm-operator-manifests/blob/master/notebooks/pachyderm-opencv.ipynb
      4. change the first command in the second cell to replace in the URL "pachyderm" with the namespace where you created the pachyderm instance. 
      5. run all cells (follow the comments)
      6. notice the error in the 7th cell

      Actual results:

      error while fetching the generated images in the sample notebook

      Expected results:

      generated images in the sample notebook can be fetched without errors

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:

      RHODS v1.5.0

      Pachyderm operator v0.0.8


      Run the following commands:

      1. oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z pachyderm-worker

      2. oc scale rc/pipeline-edges-v1 --replicas=0; oc scale rc/pipeline-edges-v1 --replicas=1

      Additional info:

            rhn-support-jlee JOOHO LEE
            rhn-support-bdattoma Berto D'Attoma
            Berto D'Attoma Berto D'Attoma
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
