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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-2052

Changes to Intel AiKit Quick Start


    • MODH Sprint 33, MODH Sprint 34

      Description of problem:

      As discussed in the  RHODS-1820 there are some changes to be applied in the quick start of Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit operator.

      These Are the changes requested:

      • Line 21 - "...across single and multinodes." -> "...across single and multinode environments."
      • Line 23 - change future tense to present tense, e.g. "This quick start covers how to run a data science notebook sample with Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit optimizations. It also walks through how to load your own notebook with Intel® AI Analytics Toolkit drop-in accelerations for your own workloads or tasks."
      • Line 28 - Do we have an Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit notebook image? Haven't seen this in the UI yet but it might be in a separate add-on.
      • Line 53 - "RedHat" -> "Red Hat"
      • Line 65 - "Run a Intel" -> "Run an Intel"
      • Line 67 - "Running a Intel" -> "Running an Intel"
      • Line 77 - "You have ran" -> "You have run" or "You ran"
      • Line 83 - "Refer to the `AI_Kit_Welcome.ipynb` notebook for more information on what optimizations are included in each of the AI Kit JupyterHub Environment Kernels." - they can't do this until they select a kernel IIRC, is it worth reproducing the lines from the previous page, e.g. "Use the `Intel SKLearn, XGBoost, & Modin` JupyterHub Kernel Environment for the `IntelPython_XGBoost_daal4pyPrediction.ipynb` notebook example, and the `Intel TensorFlow & Quantization` JupyterHub Kernel Environment for the `lpot_sample_tensorflow.ipynb` notebook example."
      • Include a step to instruct users on how to generate the Notebook Image to be displayed in the JupyterHub: e.g., Go to Openshift > Operators > Installed Operators > (select project redhat-ods-applications) Intel OneAPI > AiKit Container > click on Create button.

      *the line numbers refer to  https://github.com/red-hat-data-services/odh-dashboard/pull/157 

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go T|o RHODS Dashboard > Enabled tab
      2. Locate Intel oneAPI AI Analytics Toolkit
      3. click on "Quick Start"


      Build Details:

      RHODS v1.1.1-52


            rhn-support-jlee JOOHO LEE
            rhn-support-bdattoma Berto D'Attoma
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