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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-194

Investigate JupyterHub handling groups pulled from OAuth providers


    • MODH Sprint 15, MODH Sprint 16, MODH Sprint 17, MODH Sprint 18

      As a RHODS admin, I need to be able to limit users' access based on defined user permissions so I can control access to RHODS functionality.

      This story is to investigate how JupyterHub can manage authorization based on group membership. Currently, it reads users from a config map and gives access based on the user existing in that config map. We want JupyterHub to be able to handle groups from an OAuth provider like OpenShift Authentication so access rights within JupyterHub can restricted based on group membership. For example, standard RHODS users should not be able to add or remove users.

              vpavlin@redhat.com Vaclav Pavlin (Inactive)
              jdemoss@redhat.com Jeff DeMoss
              Pablo Felix Pablo Felix (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
