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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-1585

UI: progress dialog for starting NB server


    • MODH Sprint 27, MODH Sprint 28, MODH Sprint 32, MODH Sprint 33, MODH Sprint 34, MODH Sprint 35, MODH Sprint 36

      As a DS user, I want to be able to track the progress of starting the NB server, so I can take appropriate action if there are any issues.

      Scope of story:

      Design a solution to do the following, document the plan in this story:

      1. Provide progress dialog per UX: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/28dc5af6/screen/78116144
      2. Provide clear error messages in the case of any issues
      3. Provide options to try again or cancel per UX


      Spike Info: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RHODS-601


            jephilli@redhat.com Jeffrey Phillips
            jephilli@redhat.com Jeffrey Phillips
            Luca Giorgi Luca Giorgi
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
