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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Data Science
  2. RHODS-11370

Document RHODS addon 'Standard' install option on ROSA


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      follow up on discussion started in RHODS-8244

      When I do a test install on ROSA - there are two options for installing the RHODS addon Standard and Marketplace (see screen capture). I understand what Marketplace is and I have successfully installed the RHODS addon using the Marketplace option. I don't know what Standard means - I thought that it meant that the user obtains the addon through Red Hat but that is not an option listed in the latest Service Definition. Do you know what is involved with the Standard option on ROSA?

      from Erwan: 

      or ROSA... yes, it's always AWS (unlike OSD that is both AWS and GCP). 

      However, there are indeed 2 ways for the addon to show up

      1. Marketplace: you bought it in the AWS marketplace
      2. Standard: you bought it from Red Hat (or bribed Erwan for a free access to it). 


      Since you are mostly interested in "Standard". 
      I have access to our internal "OCM quota" system. When a customer wants a POC of RHODS, but they want it to be free for a couple months, I submit a quota request, for that customer's account, to grant them with RHODS quota. Once the request is accepted ... the RHODS addon shows up in their clusters. (request is account-specific, NOT cluster-specific). 

      This way, they can see the RHODS addon, install it ... but they are not billed by AWS for RHODS. (unlike marketplace). 

      So ... from this, I infer that our sales people must have something that essentially does the same thing, except, not for free.
      Customer calls, and says "I want RHODS, I want it on a 300 core OpenShift Cluster". Sales person says ok, price is $$$/year. Customer Venmos the money. Sales person uses some internal RH sales system (salesforce?) to say "Customer has paid for RHODS", and Customer is granted quota for RHODS. Addon shows up in customer's cluster, Customer installs it and everything ends well. 


      While I've personally granted quotas many times (too many, and it's a super annoying process), I have not seen what the sales equivalent of this is. I do hope it exists and works in the same way I've described. 


              mflinn@redhat.com Melissa Flinn
              mflinn@redhat.com Melissa Flinn
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