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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-6406

Update RHOAI CSV to reference oauth image


    • RHOAI DW - 2
    • Testable

      CodeFlare operator use oauth image with specific tag - https://github.com/project-codeflare/codeflare-operator/blob/1e761579cbb663c33e2febfcecea77f3a21453a8/pkg/controllers/raycluster_webhook.go#L231


      However this tag is not available in RHOAI CSV file as image annotation. The tag should be added into RHOAI CSV, for example as component specific oauth image.

      This tag is used for example to generate list of images needed for disconnected cluster.

      The image used by CodeFlare among the images listed as relatedImages in rhods-operator bundle.
      Once it is included in relatedImages then it will be automatically mirrored to a disconnected env (and no need for extra steps)

            rh-ee-ibaranau Ignas Baranauskas
            ksuta Karel Suta
            Abhijeet Dhumal Abhijeet Dhumal
            RHOAI Distributed Workloads
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            5 Start watching this issue
