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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-6326

DW UI - Workloads tables: Kebab menu action to edit workload in notebook


    • Testable

      For both tables listing Distributed Workloads (DWWorkloadsTable, WorkloadResourceMetricsTable), add an actions menu with a single action "Edit in notebook" on each row. This is an external link, and we need to determine the URL it should lead to based on labels/annotations on the Workload object. It will not be present for all Workloads, only those which originated from a Notebook.

      See mockup here: https://www.figma.com/proto/BKBS45DIWxGOhIYQbQqzYB/Distributed-Workloads?page-id=1%3A529&type=design&node-id=737-17667&viewport=-118%2C946%2C0.23&t=NPBDRuKocopGikRL-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=405%3A9770


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            mikejturley Mike Turley
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