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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-581

Imported Custom Notebook image is not listed in the Image selection dropdown


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      Is there an existing issue for this? *  I have searched the existing issues

      Current Behavior

      After successfully importing a notebook image on the BYON page, the notebook does not appear in the Image Selection dropdown box of the Create workbench page. However, when launching JupyterHub using the Launch application of the Jupyter tile under Application->Enabled, the imported image appears as a new radio button.
      The image stream is created successfully after import. The backend ImageStream API also returns all the ImageStreams, including the newly imported ones.
      After a quick investigation, I learned that the FrontEnd dashboard app does not include ImageStreams if it does not have the following annotation:
      {{ opendatahub.io/notebook-image-order: <any-number>}}
      If I manually add this annotation to the ImageStream resource, it then appears in dropdown list.
      When importing Notebook images, this annotation is not added to the ImageStream object.h3. Expected Behavior
      After importing a Notebook image, it should be available in the Image selection dropdown list of the Create Workbench page.h3. Steps To Reproduce # Under Settings>Notebook Images, import any notebook images

      1. Go to any Data Science projects and click Create Workbench
      2. Expand the Image selection dropdown list
      3. You will not find the Notebook images that you just imported

      Workaround (if any)

      Add the following annotation to the ImageStream object:
      opendatahub.io/notebook-image-order: 1h3. What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
      Chromeh3. Open Data Hub Version
      Red Hat OpenShift Data Science 1.27.0
       h3. Anything else|


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            adkhan@redhat.com Adnan Khan
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