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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-2181

Kserve model failed to initialize due to missing model in Bucket


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Important

      Deploy type

      Downstream version (eg. OpenShift AI 2.6)


      RHOAI 2.6 Pre-RC (brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/iib:653804)

      Current Behavior

      Following the UI to deploy a model, there's is no instructions to initially have a model file in the bucket.

      In such case, the model deployment will fail upon:

      INFO:root:Initializing, args: src_uri [s3://ods-ci-s3/con1] dest_path[ [/mnt/models]
      INFO:root:Copying contents of s3://ods-ci-s3/con1 to local
      INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in environment variables.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/storage-initializer/scripts/initializer-entrypoint", line 15, in <module>
       Storage.download(src_uri, dest_path)
       File "/kserve/kserve/storage/storage.py", line 83, in download
       Storage._download_s3(uri, out_dir)
       File "/kserve/kserve/storage/storage.py", line 244, in _download_s3
       raise RuntimeError(
      RuntimeError: Failed to fetch model. No model found in con1.

      Expected Behavior


      The dialog was confusing, as if all we need is just to enter the connection to the Bucket:

      It is confusing since the common title "Existing / New data connection" title is widely used in similar DS dialogs.

      But here it should be cleared to the User, that the entered connection should be created only after the bucket already includes a model file or directory with a model.

      Can you add a red comment bellow the connection dialog like:

      Make sure to upload the model file to the destination path in advanced.


      Steps To Reproduce


      Workaround (if any)

      What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


      Anything else


            Unassigned Unassigned
            nmanos@redhat.com Noam Manos
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