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  1. Red Hat OpenShift AI Engineering
  2. RHOAIENG-1143

[DSG] It is not clear if and when PV gets successfully expanded


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      Description of problem:

      When a user expands/resize a PV which is connected to a workbench, user may remain in an unkown status without knowing if the PV has been successfully expanded. If the user opens the "Edit" storage modal once again, they will see the new size set but they won't see the same space available in their notebook. 

      It would be good to have a message informing the PV size has been successfully expanded.

      It's mainly significant if something goes wrong with size increase, because user may have the impression that the functionality does not work.

      As a user, I would very appreciate having feedbacks from the application after performing an action like expanding a PV. 

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      RHODS installed

      DS Project created

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. create a workbench
      2. locate a PV which is attached to the workbench
      3. click on "Edit storage" from 3dots menu on the right
      4. increase the PV size

      Actual results:

      user doesn't know if the PV has been resized successfully

      Expected results:

      user is informed when the size got increased

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:

      RHODS v1.22.0-2


      check the OCP console (or via CLI) that the storage capacity of the PVC matches the expected one

      Additional info:

      PV has been successfully updated when spec.resources.requests.storage should match status.capacity.storage (referring to PVC definition)

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