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  1. Red Hat Insights Engineering
  2. RHINENG-14132

Unable to download PDF of Compliance Report of Control Baseline for RHEL 9


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      ** Note that this is a public ticket, please refrain from adding any sensitive data. **

      The pdf for the PCI-DSS vX Control Baseline for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is unable to be downloaded.

      To reproduce;

      • assign system to the profile
      • run the profile against the system and upload data via insights-client --compliance, note that there are no errors so far
      • navigate to the report via webui and attempt to download the report

      There is no error or warning presented, only a message letting you know a report is being prepared and then is downloading, but the download never comes. 

      Currently, trying several other reports, those can be downloaded without issue.

        1. console.redhat.com-1730848736131.log
          97 kB
          Paul Dudley
        2. Screenshot_20241105_175857.png
          119 kB
          Paul Dudley
        3. Screenshot_20241114_113348.png
          130 kB
          Paul Dudley

              eshamard Egor Shamardin
              rhn-support-pdudley Paul Dudley
              0 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
