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  1. Red Hat Insights Engineering
  2. RHINENG-13715

Add progress reporting to rhc-worker-script


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      ** Note that this is a public ticket, please refrain from adding any sensitive data. **

      rhc-worker-playbook has implemented progress reporting via while loop checking if thread is allive, in given response interval it sends update message to dispatcher with updated stdout of the script.


      Unanswered questions:

      • how is the infrastructure going to work? Is it enough to send message to dispatcher with progress or is this going to be special 'channel' for streaming the progress?
      • See discussion here

      Format of progress showed in the UI is dependent on what rhc-worker-script is able to send:

      • Time based - every N seconds send still running message -  'is alive', period based on worker config
      • Chunk based - sent messages with stdout/log of the script progress
        • Maybe more of a combination, sent time based chunks of collected stdout 

      First draft of worker progress reporting is being done in https://github.com/oamg/rhc-worker-script/pull/100

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • UI shows message about progress of the script execution

              awaltlov@redhat.com Andrea Waltlova (Inactive)
              awaltlov@redhat.com Andrea Waltlova (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              9 Start watching this issue
