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  1. Red Hat Insights Engineering
  2. RHINENG-10194

When exporting compliance reporting to csv, there is no option to export the descriptions (column) along with the issues.


    • Moderate
    • 2
    • Interact Sprint 56

      ** Note that this is a public ticket, please refrain from adding any sensitive data. **

      (case:03789554) As, per the customer for the product: 
      One issue he saw with Insights that creates a lot of work for users is:

      In Security > Compliance > SCAP Policies

      When exporting compliance reporting to csv, there is no option to export the descriptions (column) along with the issues.

      Because often there are internal personnel that will be reviewing the policies are not Engineers, he had to manually add all the descriptions to the report.

      When they are testing, and working through compliance to determine a balanced compliance strategy it created a lot of work.

      Thier initial report on a test server in dev environment contained 167 compliance issues. He had to manually paste in 167 descriptions, so the team will have enough information to have a basic understanding of the issue. That took him all afternoon on Friday.

      Redhat adding the ability to export any and all data columns to csv would help lower the planning and management overhead for customers.

            rhn-engineering-jdostal Jiri Dostal
            rhn-support-rkhadkik Raunak Khadkikar
            Subhashree Mishra Subhashree Mishra
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
