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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-6351

Improve yarn logging in e2e tests to suppress content when exit code 0 happens

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    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.6.0
    • 1.6.0
    • Build, Quality, Upstream
    • None
    • RHDH Plugins 3271

      As exposed in RHIDP-6288 sometimes we get benign warnings that still result in an exit code of 0 for yarn processes, which can obfuscate real problems with excessive log.

      To reduce the size of the haystack and make needle-finding easier, we could

      • redirect verbose yarn processes to a file instead of the console, then ONLY include the contents of that file in the overall build/test log if something fails
      • verify that the default behaviour of subprocesses is to log to file (eg., node-gyp) instead of logging to console to make things quieter by default (perhaps a Yarn env var is being used in the GH action runner?

      Some useful sample code to play with exists in the WIP cachi2 onboarding MRs attached to RHIDP-4014 (https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/rhidp/rhdh/-/merge_requests/184):

      RUN echo "=== YARN INSTALL ==="; "$YARN" install --immutable  >/tmp/yarn.install.log.txt 2>&1
      RUN echo "=== YARN BUILD ==="; "$YARN" build --filter=backend  >/tmp/yarn.build.log.txt 2>&1
      RUN echo "=== EXPORT DYNAMIC PLUGINS (with --no-install) ==="; "$YARN" export-dynamic --filter=./dynamic-plugins/wrappers/*; \
        for d in $(find . -name yarn-install.log); do echo; echo "===== EXPORT DYNAMIC PLUGINS: $d =====>"; cat ${d}; echo "<===== EXPORT DYNAMIC PLUGINS: $d ====="; done; 
      RUN echo "=== DIST-DYNAMIC YARN INSTALLS ==="; for f in $(find ./dynamic-plugins/wrappers/ -maxdepth 2 -type d -name dist-dynamic); do g=${f#*/wrappers/}; echo " > $g"; g=${g//\//_}; \
        pushd $f >/dev/null; "$YARN" install --immutable >"/tmp/yarn.install.${g}.log.txt" 2>&1; popd >/dev/null; done
      # dump console logs if they have errors
      RUN hadFail=0; for d in $(find /tmp -name "yarn*log*" || true) $(find /tmp/xfs-*  -name build.log || true); do \
      failsCheck="$(grep -E "Failed with errors|Failed to execute command|Failed to install|Failed to download|exit code 1" "$d")"; \
      if [[ $failsCheck != "" ]]; then \
        echo "==== $d SUMMARY ===="; echo "$failsCheck"; \
        echo "==== $d FULL ====";    cat "$d"; echo "==== $d ===="; \
        (( hadFail = hadFail +1 )); \
      fi; \
      done; if [[ $hadFail -gt 0 ]]; then exit $hadFail; fi

      Definition of done:

              gustavolira Gustavo Lira Silva
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Plugins
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue
