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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-5702

Problems with shared packages in the backend-module-marketplace package

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    • RHDH Dynamic Plugins 3269

      Description of problem:

      cache miss, executing ba2a3ced6e007763
      Copying embedded package @red-hat-developer-hub/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-marketplace from /home/runner/work/rhdh/rhdh/node_modules/@red-hat-developer-hub/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-marketplace to embedded/red-hat-developer-hub-backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-marketplace
      Customizing embedded package @red-hat-developer-hub/backstage-plugin-catalog-backend-module-marketplace for dynamic loading
        moving @backstage/backend-plugin-api to peerDependencies
        moving @backstage/catalog-model to peerDependencies
        moving @backstage/plugin-catalog-common to peerDependencies
        moving @backstage/plugin-catalog-node to peerDependencies
        moving @backstage/types to peerDependencies
      Building main package
        executing     yarn build ✔ 
      Packing main package to dist-dynamic/package.json
      Customizing main package in dist-dynamic/package.json for dynamic loading
      Hoisting peer dependencies of embedded packages to the main package
      Installing private dependencies of the main package
        executing     yarn install --no-immutable > yarn-install.log ✔ 
      Validating private dependencies
      Error: Following shared package(s) should not be part of the plugin private dependencies:
      - @backstage/backend-common
      - @backstage/backend-dev-utils
      - @backstage/backend-plugin-api
      - @backstage/catalog-client
      - @backstage/catalog-model
      - @backstage/cli-common
      - @backstage/config-loader
      - @backstage/config
      - @backstage/errors
      - @backstage/integration-aws-node
      - @backstage/integration
      - @backstage/plugin-auth-node
      - @backstage/plugin-permission-common
      - @backstage/types
      Either unshare them with the --shared-package !<package> option, or use the --embed-package to embed the following packages which use shared dependencies:
      [WARN] command finished with error, but continuing...

      Steps to Reproduce

      See PR https://github.com/redhat-developer/rhdh/pull/2253

      Expected results:

      No errors when exporting the plugin as a dynamic wrapper

              stlewis_2 Stan Lewis
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Dynamic Plugins
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
