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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-5651

ensure plugins in janus plugins repo plugins are bumped when we branch for 1.5

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    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 1.5.0
    • 1.5.0
    • Build, Plugins
    • None
    • RHDH Core Platform 3269

      Tracker to make sure we have bumped plugins in janus plugins main to a version that won't collide with 1.4 branch.

      $➔ ./checkPluginVersions.sh --nobuild --dry-run -s ~/0/0-janus-idp-plugins-GH/ -b release-1.4 -t main
      [INFO] [1/9] ./ 3.5 (main) > 3.4.2 (in release-1.4)
      [INFO] [2/9] packages/app is marked private; nothing to do.
      [INFO] [3/9] packages/backend is marked private; nothing to do.
      [INFO] [4/9] packages/cli 3.0 (main) > 1.18.6 (in release-1.4)
      [INFO] [5/9] packages/storybook is marked private; nothing to do.
      [INFO] [6/9] plugins/aap-backend 2.3 (main) > 2.2.1 (in release-1.4)
      [INFO] [7/9] plugins/audit-log-node 1.8 (main) > 1.7.2 (in release-1.4)
      [INFO] [8/9] plugins/shared-react 2.14 (main) > 2.13.1 (in release-1.4)
      [INFO] [9/9] plugins/web-terminal 1.12 (main) > 1.11.1 (in release-1.4)

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Core Platform
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