Resolution: Done
RHIDP-5362 - Productization / Konflux build pipelines 1.6 (feature)
RHDH Core Platform 3267/3268, RHDH Core Platform 3269, RHDH Core Platform 3270
Task here is to:
- take an overlay repo like David'd new https://github.com/davidfestal/rhdh-dynamic-plugin-export-overlays/tree/releases/1.4.x repo (which needs more than just three entries!)
- then for each included plugin
npx @janus-idp/cli package package-dynamic-plugins -t quay.io/rhdh/rhdh-quay-plugin:some-tag
- see also https://github.com/davidfestal/rhdh-dynamic-plugin-export-overlays/blob/releases/1.4.x/.github/workflows/export-workspaces-as-dynamic.yaml#L46 -> https://github.com/davidfestal/rhdh-plugin-export-utils/blob/main/.github/workflows/export-workspaces-as-dynamic.yaml -> redhat-developer/rhdh-plugin-export-utils/.github/workflows/export-dynamic.yaml
- if we can refactor the GH action yaml-wrapped-bash as something reusable in tekton and GH action, that would be great – then we can use it for BOTH GH actions (community plugins) and tekton (RH GA and TP plugins)
- publish as an OCI artifact
Need to fully flesh this out with help from dfestal and others in the Dynamic Plugins team
- blocks
RHIDP-2450 Set up RHDH plugin container images build in Konflux w/ release flow
- Closed
- is related to
RHIDP-5215 Marketplace Distribution
- In Progress