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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-5340

must re-render FBC fragments to point at rr.io instead of quay.io prior to a GA release

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    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • 1.4.0
    • 1.4.0
    • Build, Release
    • None
    • RHDH Core Platform 3267/3268

      The managed pipeline push to prod stage verify-enterprise-contract has failed due to Task "fbc-related-image-check" from the build Pipeline reports a failed test.

      ✕ [Violation] test.no_failed_tests
        ImageRef: quay.io/rhdh/iib@sha256:23eb6996df56471120723b8741ac4f19dc2d23441bdbaea62003de6fd1a507a0
        Reason: The Task "fbc-related-image-check" from the build Pipeline reports a failed test
        Title: No tests failed
        Description: Produce a violation if any non-informative tests have their result set to "FAILED". The result type is configurable
        by the "failed_tests_results" key, and the list of informative tests is configurable by the "informative_tests" key in the rule
        data. To exclude this rule add "test.no_failed_tests:fbc-related-image-check" to the `exclude` section of the policy
        Solution: There is a test that failed. Make sure that any task in the build pipeline with a result named 'TEST_OUTPUT' does not
        fail. More information about the test should be available in the logs for the build Pipeline.

      Here's the snapshot build:


      which contains this image:


      Reviewing the Pipeline Runs for that image:


      So both the build and test passed.

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Core Platform
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