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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-5303

[Tech Debt] Konflux-based release guide

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    • RHDH Core Platform 3269

      Docs need to be cleaned up:

      Could also mark all the deprecated info about GL pipelines/CPaaS with some TODO RHIDP-xxx label, so that we can later delete all that when we branch for 1.5.

      Possible breakdown of topics:

      • onboarding from scratch (no longer really relevant to us since we're done, but potentially helpful to other teams) - perhaps just links to the Internal Konflux and cachi2 docs
      • onboarding a new component (eg., plugin containers for the marketplace)
      • onboarding a new release (RPA, ECP) + tenant config (on code freeze / branch creation day) – https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/releng/konflux-release-data/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=merged&author_username=nboldt
      • running CI builds (and the leftover stuff in gitlab)
      • tech debt related to nudges (WIP, nothing to doc until this is fixed; today it's manual effort to ensure everything is built correctly)
      • releasing 1.y.0 (script is a WIP, so documenting it now doesn't make sense)
      • releasing 1.y.z updates (script is a WIP, so documenting it now doesn't make sense)

              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              RHIDP - Core Platform
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