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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-4913

Audit log rotation is deprecated

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    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 1.4.0
    • None
    • Documentation
    • None
    • [Docs] Deprecate Audit Log PVC
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • RHIDP-4852Remove Audit Log PVC from Developer Hub
    • To Do
    • RHIDP-4852 - Remove Audit Log PVC from Developer Hub
    • QE Needed, Docs Needed, TE Needed, Customer Facing, PX Needed
    • With this update, you can evaluate your platform's log forwarding solutions to align with your security and compliance needs. Most of these solutions offer configurable options to minimize the loss of logs in the event of an outage.
    • Deprecated Functionality
    • Done

      EPIC Goal

      What are we trying to solve here?

      • Remove all documents related to the audit log PVC
      • Issue a deprecation notice

      Background/Feature Origin

      The recommendation is to use the various platform's log forwarding solutions

      Why is this important?

      The recommendation is closer to an out of the box solution than the PVC

      User Scenarios

      Dependencies (internal and external)

      Acceptance Criteria

      Release Enablement/Demo - Provide necessary release enablement details
      and documents

      DEV - Upstream code and tests merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub

      DEV - Upstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub

      DEV - Downstream build attached to advisory: <link to errata>

      QE - Test plans in Playwright: <link or reference to playwright>

      QE - Automated tests merged: <link or reference to automated tests>

      DOC - Downstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR>

              rhn-support-jmagak Judith Amondi Magak
              ktsao@redhat.com Kim Tsao
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
