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  1. Red Hat Internal Developer Platform
  2. RHIDP-4566

[Docs] Document how to manage PVCs in RHDH Operator

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    • RHDH Documentation 3266

      Document how to manage PVCs in RHDH Operator

      Objective includes:

      • To be able to manage (create/delete) by Operator PVC(s) to use by Backstage instance as a part of default configuration (e g will come as part of RHDH profile for particular Operator version)
      • To be able to mount PVCs to backstage container easily, the same as we do for CMs, Secrets.

      User Scenarios


              hmanwani@redhat.com Heena Manwani
              hmanwani@redhat.com Heena Manwani
              RHIDP - Documentation
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